We are always under construction
Born in Madrid, Spain. At the end of my High School education, I was oriented towards Arts or Psychology and I chose the latter…This is the starting point of my path as an outsider.
At the end of my master in Psychology I join the world of multinational companies, at the HR department management. This job implies travelling around the world and often changing residence (Madrid, Paris, New York).
Creating the place
I practice regularly design and painting. While attending training programs at Ecole de Beaux Arts in Paris, I find the opportunity of working on volume. I start attending the technical workshops with Paul Flury and I continue during 5 years.
Iron welding, wood carving and bronze foundry.
I retrieve and arrange objets during and on arrival from my trips around the world, I always carry a thread bobbin in my luggage. I decide to move and share my residence and working space in an Art workshop.
Taking the time
After 5 years attending the sculpture workshops with broad technical learnings, in 2001 I decide to leave the world of international multinational companies. Being an independent consultant I can dedicate time to create sculptures and installations.
In 2013 I move my home residence to Marseille to retrieve the South of Europe.
Meanwhile my art references evolve and I get acquainted with the work of Sheila Hicks, Louise Bourgeois, Annette Messager, Dorothea Tanning, Meret Oppenheim, Judith Scott.
From welding to sewing
A development path that allows me to work at my Marseille Workshop. My culture bagage finds its origins In Spain and my Globe Trotter activity.
In 2013 I show my first textile volumes. It is in Marseille that I am sewing my art identity.